I was forewarned by my beloved friends about the perils of going to shopping with wife.But you just can't avoid this.(Couldn't convince her I have a stomach-ache every time).
I indeed listened carefully to the words of wisdom by my friends who were married for a long time about the do s and don't s.
It was Marks and Spencer, Camberly.People told that it is one of the biggest stores in UK and contains all the new collections and varieties.First mistake.We went in the morning just after having breakfast.She just skimmed through women's section and told me..
"Ennanga, let's start with cardigan/tops first, move on to jeans then shoes and finally to accessories section if we have time else we will shop for accessories in Central London,enna sollreenga"
Very systematic!
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She started browsing/selecting/going to trial room/asking my opinion--not necessarily in the same order.Then came a bouncer.
"Ennanga, does this dress look good"-pointing me to a model wearing a costliest clothing in the advert picture which I was looking.
You should tread carefully.You should understand the ambiguity in the question.The answer you give will have consequences which may potentially last for a very long time.
If you say, "It looks good for the model in the picture", odds are that you will not get good food for at least a week.
Neither should you ask," Do you mean, will it look good if you wear"
I gave an assuring smile and told her,"You should certainly try this.."
We had lunch in the cafeteria in M&S.
I was holding her three selected shirts and sitting in the only available cushion chair in front of the trial rooms section.I was about to stand to give the seat to a 60's something old man who came nearby clutching some clothes.He told me to sit.How nice of him.Seems he is also waiting for his wife.
He smiled at me and asked
"Waiting for your wife..?"
"Newly married...?"
Then he gave a (sarcastic)simper and said,
"Long way to go young man..."
The words still reverberate in my mind!
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I rarely do my office work at home.It was one of those occasion when a super critical 4G LTE issue was escalated by our customer and starting from VPs to Directors to Senior managers were in the CC list of that mail.When I opened MS Outlook 2010 to update the thread, my wife came with a cup of tea and sat near me and looked at the mail.
I bragged her how critical the issue is, the importance of the job I am doing and told her that it is being followed up by our experts across the globe and showed her the mug shot pictures of people in CC who were involved, which comes in the reading pane of Outlook.Looks like she was not really impressed.
"Seems you guys botched up something big time and your customer is chasing you folks,And those mug shot pics..." Then she gave a pause,pondered and said,"Looks to me like the people responsible for this issue.. something like pictures of absconding criminals displayed in police station for a crime"
She then switched on the TV and started watching Big Bang Theory..
I think I should never do office work at home.
I indeed listened carefully to the words of wisdom by my friends who were married for a long time about the do s and don't s.
It was Marks and Spencer, Camberly.People told that it is one of the biggest stores in UK and contains all the new collections and varieties.First mistake.We went in the morning just after having breakfast.She just skimmed through women's section and told me..
"Ennanga, let's start with cardigan/tops first, move on to jeans then shoes and finally to accessories section if we have time else we will shop for accessories in Central London,enna sollreenga"
Very systematic!
You may like Oracle interview and eight queen problem
She started browsing/selecting/going to trial room/asking my opinion--not necessarily in the same order.Then came a bouncer.
"Ennanga, does this dress look good"-pointing me to a model wearing a costliest clothing in the advert picture which I was looking.
You should tread carefully.You should understand the ambiguity in the question.The answer you give will have consequences which may potentially last for a very long time.
If you say, "It looks good for the model in the picture", odds are that you will not get good food for at least a week.
Neither should you ask," Do you mean, will it look good if you wear"
I gave an assuring smile and told her,"You should certainly try this.."
We had lunch in the cafeteria in M&S.
I was holding her three selected shirts and sitting in the only available cushion chair in front of the trial rooms section.I was about to stand to give the seat to a 60's something old man who came nearby clutching some clothes.He told me to sit.How nice of him.Seems he is also waiting for his wife.
He smiled at me and asked
"Waiting for your wife..?"
"Newly married...?"
Then he gave a (sarcastic)simper and said,
"Long way to go young man..."
The words still reverberate in my mind!
You may like ஷ்ராவனியின் டயரி
I rarely do my office work at home.It was one of those occasion when a super critical 4G LTE issue was escalated by our customer and starting from VPs to Directors to Senior managers were in the CC list of that mail.When I opened MS Outlook 2010 to update the thread, my wife came with a cup of tea and sat near me and looked at the mail.
I bragged her how critical the issue is, the importance of the job I am doing and told her that it is being followed up by our experts across the globe and showed her the mug shot pictures of people in CC who were involved, which comes in the reading pane of Outlook.Looks like she was not really impressed.
"Seems you guys botched up something big time and your customer is chasing you folks,And those mug shot pics..." Then she gave a pause,pondered and said,"Looks to me like the people responsible for this issue.. something like pictures of absconding criminals displayed in police station for a crime"
She then switched on the TV and started watching Big Bang Theory..
I think I should never do office work at home.